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Server Rules & Guidelines

The rules displayed here apply to all of our server (excluding the server-specific sections below). By playing on our servers, you agree to have read, and abide by, the rules laid out on this page.

General Rules

Media Banner for General Rules

General Rules

1. Fair Play

We uphold the principles of fair play. The following actions are strictly prohibited:

  • Exploiting bugs
  • Using Tools to gain unfair advantages
  • Using any methode to avoid bans

2. Group Size Limits

Groups must adhere to the following member limits:

  • #1 SvS 3PP Chernarus+ / #3 SVS Livonia : No member limit, allying is not allowed.
  • #2 SvS 1PP Modded Chernarus : Maximum of 10 members.
  • #4 SvS Namalsk: Maximum of 5 members.
  • #5 SvS 1PP Vanilla Frostline: Maximum of 4 members.

allying, either to raid/defend a base or even to engage large fights is not allowed

3. Stream Sniping

  • Stream sniping members with the Content Creator role is strictly prohibited.
  • Cases will be handled individually by staff.

4. Combat Logging

  • Combat logging is forbidden for 5 minutes after engaging in or receiving gunfire.
  • Logging off during a raid results in an immediate ban.

5. Vehicle Limits

Groups must adhere to the following Vehicle limits:

  • Vanilla servers & Livonia: Each team can have up to 2 cars and 1 truck.
  • Modded servers: Each team can have up to 2 cars and 1 helicopter.

5. Refunds

  • No refunds will be given for items lost due to server issues, bugs, or vehicle-related incidents.
  • The only exception are grenades when raiding an invulnerable structure.

Specific Rules


By playing on our servers, you agree to have read and abide by these rules. SVS - The Saviors reserves the right to modify these rules at any time without prior notification. It is the players’ responsibility to keep up-to-date.