1. Fair Play
We uphold the principles of fair play. The following actions are strictly prohibited:
- Exploiting bugs
- Using Tools to gain unfair advantages
- Using any methode to avoid bans
2. Group Size Limits
Groups must adhere to the following member limits:
- #1 SvS 3PP Chernarus+ / #3 SVS Livonia : No member limit, allying is not allowed.
- #2 SvS 1PP Modded Chernarus : Maximum of 10 members.
- #4 SvS Namalsk: Maximum of 5 members.
- #5 SvS 1PP Vanilla Frostline: Maximum of 4 members.
allying, either to raid/defend a base or even to engage large fights is not allowed
3. Stream Sniping
- Stream sniping members with the Content Creator role is strictly prohibited.
- Cases will be handled individually by staff.
4. Combat Logging
- Combat logging is forbidden for 5 minutes after engaging in or receiving gunfire.
- Logging off during a raid results in an immediate ban.
5. Vehicle Limits
Groups must adhere to the following Vehicle limits:
- Vanilla servers & Livonia: Each team can have up to 2 cars and 1 truck.
- Modded servers: Each team can have up to 2 cars and 1 helicopter.
5. Refunds
- No refunds will be given for items lost due to server issues, bugs, or vehicle-related incidents.
- The only exception are grenades when raiding an invulnerable structure.